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Negligence : duty of care and breach of duty

Negligence : duty of care and breach of duty Did the defendant owe the claimant a duty to take care? Was the defendant in breach of that duty? Duty of care – Finding a general test. The neighbour principle – Donoghue v Stevenson (1932). The House of Lords recognised a new relationship beteeen manufacturer and […]

Particular Statutory regimes: strict liability

Definition of Strict Liability: Strict liability is the imposition of liability on a party without a finding of fault ( such as negligence or tortious intent). The plaintiff needs to prove only that the tort happened and that the defendant was responsible. Strict liability is imposed for legal infractions that are Malum Prohibitum rather than […]

Lecture notes on Pensions

Definition: A pension is a fund into which a sum of money is added during an employee’s employment years, and from which payments are drawn to support the person’s retirement from work in the form of periodic payments. A pension may be a ”defined benefit plan” where a fixed sum is paid regularly to a […]



The meaning of sub-culture is always in dispute, and style is the area in which the opposing definitions clash with most dramatic force. Culture can be said to be the peculiar and distinctive ‘way of life’ of the group or class, the meanings, values and ideas embodied in institutions, in social relations, in systems of […]

Hands up Maggie, you were right!

As a young black teenager growing up in Britain in the 1980’s, I thought Margaret Thatcher was the most evil woman in Britain. But who could blame me, as I was a young man influenced by the socialist views around me. Most of my friends were blacks, mainly West Indians who had been oppressed in […]